E58 Premium is one of the most popular white bud mushroom strains worldwide. This dominant, mid-range, medium size, off-white mushroom strain is particularly relevant for the fresh market, because of its extensive spread of first flush and a long shelf life.
It combines high density sporocarp with a thick cuticle, together with a high yield. The average size is 50 mm with great potential to produce larger mushrooms.


This off-white, hybrid strain is the perfect counterpart to the E58 Premium.
It combines a mixed profile, due to its bulbous stipe, and a higher productivity of first choice mushrooms. 
It is suitable, for either, the fresh market or an industrial, mechanical harvest.


This is a highly productive, smooth, white, hybrid strain, ideal for the canning industry, with a quick mushroom tissue maturation process to supply a high performing, technical yield.
It provides a good balance between the yields of first and second flush. It is acknowledged for ease and speed of harvesting, due to a homogenous pinhead formation and a straight cylindrical stem. Crop management can provide a high yield of homogeneous mushrooms, ranging in size from 35 to 80mm.

Also destined for the mechanical harvest, this is an aggressive, white hybrid strain. It was specifically bred to develop a higher pin density, suitable for choice mushroom crops, with a large potential of 18-45 mm cap size and a straight cylindrical stem. With its high-water holding capacity, this first choice mushroom is perfectly suited to canning, as well as the freezing process.

E58 HD is suitable, for either, the fresh market or an industrial, mechanical harvest.

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